Innovations in MD-only physician-scientist training: experiences from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund physician-scientist institutional award initiative.

TitleInnovations in MD-only physician-scientist training: experiences from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund physician-scientist institutional award initiative.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsMcElvaine AT, Hawkins-Salsbury JA, Arora VM, Gladwin MT, Goldenring JR, Huston DP, Krakow D, Rhee K, Solway J, Steinman RA, Towler DA, Utz PJ, Yokoyama WM, Simpson RL, Muglia LJ, Permar SR, Gbadegesin RA
JournalJ Clin Invest
Date Published2021 05 17
KeywordsAwards and Prizes, Biomedical Research, Education, Medical, Continuing, Financial Management, Humans, Physicians
Alternate JournalJ Clin Invest
PubMed ID33998594
PubMed Central IDPMC8121502